Synergy of greatness.
This sounds like someone's alter ego coming forth and letting the world know how great they are. Yes, you could say that. I will not say that.
To me, it is the synergy of what using one's gifts and talents can create while serving others. It is not standing on a mountain top and shouting to the world how wonderful someone is, but it could be. The last time I stood on a mountain, the only person who heard what I had to say was a mountain goat. And of course, the birds, the eagles, and the universal spirits.
This is the QUIETNESS of what we do each day, with each person we meet or talk to, with the challenges of life that occur, with the off-times of "Why is this happening to me?" we might ask ourselves when something occurs that we did not expect to happen, or God and the universe gives us an opportunity that may challenge us but make us stronger, or a miracle occurs and we give gratitude.
The SYNERGY of Greatness comes in those moments when we quiet our minds to listen to the silence and to hear what we need to hear, or when we love unconditionally through our actions of a smile or taking food to a neighbor, or helping a child with homework or going to visit someone in a nursing home who may not have any visitors or call someone you have not heard from in a long time.
So go do something great and create synergy.
Peace and joy today.
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