
Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017. There is synergy in the sound of all we do in life.  Although this blog is about the Sounds of Synergy in my professional journey, this blog is the first explanation of why Sounds of Synergy was silent for months.

  It is 2:30 am and I am up writing the first blog at the Sounds of Synergy I have written in the past several years. There isn't any reason why I have not written except for procrastination. I am a person of perseverance, not procrastination.  Yet, during the past three years, it seems as if the second P word - procrastination - has been my goal, not pursing my dreams and making them a reality.

I am the only challenge in my way of dreams happening.  Do you have that feeling?  Do you want to start a business, expand existing business, write a book, speak or produce a record or film? You can do it.  Begin today to do something small towards that goal.

If you want to buy a new car, go to a dealership or look online for the type of car you want to purchase. Once you begin, then the rest will fall into place. You can make it happen. It is up to you.  Just as it is up to me; it is up to you.

December 24, 2016 was the turning point in my life. I found myself without any voice.  The night before I had my voice at the Dollar General Bowl. The next day I had no voice for two weeks.  January 5, 2017 came and I had my voice back.  I went to Downtown Toastmasters Club meeting and spoke.  Five days later, I woke up and could not walk on my left side. Chronic pain compounded my hip, knee and ankle.  For several days, I spent crying and screaming at God and the universe for this occurrence in my life.  What had I done to deserve this?  Why me? Fears and thoughts of losing it all went through my mind.  I was alone here in Mobile. There is nothing I can do  I thought. I was alone. I forgot that God was right here with me, next to me, listening all the time. He was listening to my whining and fears and complaining.

Today, it is two months since the incident began. Thanks to my intuitive friends and to my friends here in Mobile and the prayers of many, I am on the road to adapting and making this incident adapt to my life. I was ready to return to Ohio. But, I didn't know how I was going to get there. During these past few weeks, I have had to let go of the guild I felt about choices I made in my past years, choices I made that are now back in my life for me to resolve the right way, and for the choices I made to not carry my children to full term. (Yes, this is a fact that I have kept from my family and friends for over forty years. The only two people who knew are not gone but kept part of the secret they knew from my parents and family.)

Someone once said that a person's memoirs only sell to their family and friends. Yet, my experiences and choices are such that anyone can relate to the experience and the choice I made at that point in my life when I made the choice. Now, looking back, I sometimes wish things had been different, but they aren't. I wish the choice I had made was different, but it isn'the choices I had made. t. And, today, I am the most authentic person I can be. There is no reason not to be open and honest about the decisions I made. My hope is that those who read the experiences will gain some insight into the behavior exhibited, and how those behaviors influenced my path today.

I am back on track in writing, and will not let this posting go without more to come.....  Sounds of Synergy will return on Monday, March 20.