
Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is October 1.  Yes, it has been two months to the date since I last posted.  What has caused me once again to procrastinate and not write each day?  I have been blogging and posting on Facebook but realize that it is time to make this blog, Sounds of Synergy, work in a better way. 

Thanks to Michelle Scism who created the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I am going to begin this blog and continue during October to post.  She has inspired me and given me the challenge to continue my postings.

This month is a great month - it is my birthday month. I started to party today.  I spent the day with the AT&T Uverse installer who helped get my internet and television changed from Comcast.  It was great to have a person who was so happy and really liked what he did.  I am now online and back at writing. 

This morning, I spent time working on a speech for Toastmasters that I have to give tomorrow.  After I had the points of the speech outlined, it was apparent that the stats I needed I could not get as my Internet was down.  So, now I will work on another speech project. I have two more to go before I get my Competent Communicator Award.  If you want to learn how to become more confident in speaking, this organization is certainly the most rewarding and educational and cost effective program in the country.  The Downtown Mobile group I belong to is such a happy group.  I miss not going each week.  When I don't go, there is a part of me missing. I have met some new friends and reconnected with old friends.

Today has been a peaceful day despite all that is happening in the world.  Peace is certainly something that you choose and not something that is chosen for you.  Today was a day for learning.  Here are tidbits of what I learned today:

- If you have not been courageous and stepped out in your life, then do not comment on mine.
- Influencing one more person to consider something you said or wrote is helping one more person to open their mind and hearts to the possibility of something new.
- Call your friends daily to tell them you love them.
- Staying in the office to manage the day is a good thing.
- Creativity comes when you least expect it.
- Change your way of thinking.  Listen to what you are saying to yourself.  Are you stuck or moving forward?

So, now, it's time for meditation and taking care of Serena, my cat.  Her brain disorder is a day to day and sometimes moment to moment part of my day.

Peace and joy to you,


  1. Thank you for this post and the reminder "Peace is certainly something that you choose and not something that is chosen for you."

    I'm inspired by the blog challenge as well. I'm grateful for the impulse and community to write and hopefully publish each day of the challenge.

    On another note, I appreciate your reminder that creativity comes when it
    s least expected. While cleaning the bathroom this weekend, I received insight for a monthly, online show.

    I wish us both creativity and ease as we manifest our dreams and share our messages of love and synergy.

    Dancing Forward!

  2. Oh peace is so hard to find for me in my life right now.. so many things going on and being dealt with as a result of the poor choices of others.. coming in from the UBC so nice to meet you .. since Google ate my email when I made a G+ I had to just link my blog that way...
