
Friday, October 4, 2013

Sounds of Tips in Writing

Today, I was working with several young writers who tried to explain to me that it didn't matter how they abbreviated a state as there were several ways to do so.  So, I thought I would have them research their own answers.  Lo and behold, came to my rescue, not theirs, and this was in my email.  So, I wanted to share it with you in case you have the state name phobia in writing.


Your Corporate FireFighter in Peace,



State Names and Abbreviations - DailyWritingTips

Posted: 01 Oct 2013 09:43 PM PDT
How should you treat references to states? The form depends on which style guide you adhere to and why the state is being referenced. Details about how to refer to states follow.

The Chicago Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook agree on one thing: When referring to a state on its own, spell the state name out (“California became a state in 1850”). However, when referring to a city and the state in which it is located, although Chicago recommends retaining the spelled-out version of the state name (“San Diego, California”), AP style calls for abbreviating the state name (“San Diego, Calif.”) if it consists of more than six letters. (Chicago also has abbreviations if you insist, but they don’t always match AP’s style.)

The AP style abbreviations arbitrarily range in length from two to six letters, and all two-word names are abbreviated with the initials, such as N.Y. for “New York” — with the exception of West Virginia’s abbreviation, which for some reason is rendered W.Va. (Note that AP style omits state names for a specified list of cities considered familiar enough that the state in which they are located need not be mentioned.) In headlines, the periods are omitted.

However, when giving an address, or in tables or other uses in which space is limited, use the US Postal Service’s symbol system, which consists of a two-letter abbreviation in which both letters are always capitalized and no periods are used (for example, NY for “New York”).

Other style handbooks have their own guidelines, so, if you are writing or editing for a particularly company as a staff member or a freelancer, determine which resource is considered the authority on state abbreviation.

Note, too, that abbreviation of country names is rare and not recommended. US and UK are frequently used as nouns in informal contexts, but the names should be spelled out except as adjectives — “the US response,” for example, or “the UK’s role” — and Chicago recommends omitting periods in these cases, as is advised for all capitalized abbreviations.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is October 1.  Yes, it has been two months to the date since I last posted.  What has caused me once again to procrastinate and not write each day?  I have been blogging and posting on Facebook but realize that it is time to make this blog, Sounds of Synergy, work in a better way. 

Thanks to Michelle Scism who created the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I am going to begin this blog and continue during October to post.  She has inspired me and given me the challenge to continue my postings.

This month is a great month - it is my birthday month. I started to party today.  I spent the day with the AT&T Uverse installer who helped get my internet and television changed from Comcast.  It was great to have a person who was so happy and really liked what he did.  I am now online and back at writing. 

This morning, I spent time working on a speech for Toastmasters that I have to give tomorrow.  After I had the points of the speech outlined, it was apparent that the stats I needed I could not get as my Internet was down.  So, now I will work on another speech project. I have two more to go before I get my Competent Communicator Award.  If you want to learn how to become more confident in speaking, this organization is certainly the most rewarding and educational and cost effective program in the country.  The Downtown Mobile group I belong to is such a happy group.  I miss not going each week.  When I don't go, there is a part of me missing. I have met some new friends and reconnected with old friends.

Today has been a peaceful day despite all that is happening in the world.  Peace is certainly something that you choose and not something that is chosen for you.  Today was a day for learning.  Here are tidbits of what I learned today:

- If you have not been courageous and stepped out in your life, then do not comment on mine.
- Influencing one more person to consider something you said or wrote is helping one more person to open their mind and hearts to the possibility of something new.
- Call your friends daily to tell them you love them.
- Staying in the office to manage the day is a good thing.
- Creativity comes when you least expect it.
- Change your way of thinking.  Listen to what you are saying to yourself.  Are you stuck or moving forward?

So, now, it's time for meditation and taking care of Serena, my cat.  Her brain disorder is a day to day and sometimes moment to moment part of my day.

Peace and joy to you,

Thursday, August 1, 2013


 Synergy of greatness. 

This sounds like someone's alter ego coming forth and letting the world know how great they are.  Yes, you could say that.  I will not say that. 

To me, it is the synergy of what using one's gifts and talents can create while serving others.  It is not standing on a mountain top and shouting to the world how wonderful someone is, but it could be.  The last time I stood on a mountain, the only person who heard what I had to say was a mountain goat. And of course, the birds, the eagles, and the universal spirits.


This is the QUIETNESS of what we do each day, with each person we meet or talk to, with the challenges of life that occur, with the off-times of "Why is this happening to me?" we might ask ourselves when something occurs that we did not expect to happen, or God and the universe gives us an opportunity that may challenge us but make us stronger, or a miracle occurs and we give gratitude.

The SYNERGY of Greatness comes in those moments when we quiet our minds to listen to the silence and to hear what we need to hear, or when we love unconditionally through our actions of a smile or taking food to a neighbor, or helping a child with homework or going to visit someone in a nursing home who may not have any visitors or call someone you have not heard from in a long time.

So go do something great and create synergy.

Peace and joy today.

You are Designed for More

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Each person needs to grow in the truth.  Our blind spots keep us from taking responsibility and making choices about the truths we need to face.  Of course, that is a choice. The more truth we hear, the more we are open and the more we learn.

When a person doesn't get the message from God or the universe, it sends someone to tell us. It is telling us to come up with the things we have avoided to get them out of the way for something more beautiful. This has been a year of getting messages from the Holy Spirit and God, messages that I avoided for many decades. 

It is a good thing that I am not taking more responsibility in living my truth than I did in my past. I am learning to walk in truth more today than ever.  The peace and freedom I have that the universe has given me is so wonderful.

It does not mean that there is not a sense of rebellion inside that wants to choose avoidance as a choice.  It means that I stop struggling and am learning to become freer with each choice I make towards resolution of the issue.  In confronting the issue or challenge, I am freeing myself from allowing the issue to consume or walk all over me. 

This is not only directed to people but to life's challenges in business and personal life. I want to be ready to go to the next level that God has planned for me.  Somehow I have not progressed but stayed at the same level, if not regressed, more in the past ten years because I choose to avoid making choices.

Today, I heard the message from Joyce Meyer.  She said that we can't get to the next level until we seek the truth. She also reminded me that if we complain about something not to pray for it.  We need to not complain but find a way to discuss in a way that will not offend or hurt someone. 

In my life, I have tried to carefully choose the right words, but sometimes they have been 'straight talk' that has hurt someone.  I have also avoided confrontation with my parents and not expressed how their words were hurtful, as I realized that it was no use because they didn't care.  When you wake up and realize that it is ok to let the offense roll away and smile and listen, that is a wonderful thing. 

I think I am writing my blog for today by accident so I should cut and paste this and put it in my blog.  That is confronting the issue that I love to write and go to FB first rather than my blog! 

In my gratitude for today, I was thankful for my bills, for the issues I have to face with the IRS, the water I drink and use for bathing, the newness of stewardship and giving back, and for the universe bringing the challenges to me to confront. 

Yes, even the fact that the issues I have had with my car I am in gratitude for.  When it was apparent that the vehicle needed to be replaced, I choose not to take action. That action has cost me much money over the past few months.  I also have realized that I am not alone in the issue of a Buick that stalled and stops while you are driving it, no matter what speed, and that it could have cost me a major traffic accident and could have cost me my life.  For that i am in gratitude.

I have spent the past four days at home without transportation.  This last stall left me panicked and I am afraid to drive the car.  That fear has to be conquered as it is consuming the peace that I have felt.  It has also lead me to get the paperwork done I need to do to find another reliable vehicle.  Tomorrow I am going to find another vehicle that I can drive for now until time for me to purchase another quality mode of transportation.

It is ok for God and the universe to let change come into my life and allow me to through his refuge become peaceful through good choices. The devil and negative energy can stay away as I am in the refuge of God and universe. 

If God and the universe did not chastise me, I might wonder about God's love.  Many years ago, I knew that the choices I did not make would someday be brought to me as  I was allowed to wander in the valley of the shadow and through the earth to live a life of wonderment and challenges. 

As I write this to you, I am glad that I can now walk in truth and am looking forward to that which is already planned for me.  Having God as the CEO of my life - my company, my partnerships - creates growth and allows me to continue dreaming.  Yes, even those of us over 60 can still dream. 

Oh, by the way, I am working on building the foundation of my dream now.  Each day, I take a new step and it is good. Go forth.  Continue dreaming. Visualize where  you want to be and what you need to do to get there.

I end with a quote from a FB writing from Wayne Dyer: "When you live your life going through the motions, it may seem to be convenient, but the weight of your dissatisfaction creates a huge imbalance in the only life you have now. It shows up when you are sound asleep and your dreams are filled with reminders of what you'd love to be, but you wake and return to pursuing your safe routine.

Allow yourself to think about this fire from heaven. What are your dreams and how can you shift your thinking habits to match your dreams? Commit to thinking about what you want, rather than how impossible or difficult that dream may seem. ... Dream and you shall become."

I spent part of yesterday in teleconferences to hear messages that I have heard, given to others and not heeded. So again, I heard the message from someone else. 

God has shown me for years that I was just as capable to speak and write as my friends and colleagues.  Did I listen?  Somewhat.  I would start and stop.  Go to meetings and learn and make appointments.  I had a great speaking business in the 1980s and then it stopped because I stopped.  Now, it is time to ask me "Who is Sher? What does she want?" and find the goddess, the queen in me and make it happen.

By writing this to share with you, I am doing so.  Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.  I hope the something in this writing resonates with you to help you today to confront an issue and make the right choice to move it from your path to that which God and the universe has planned for you- much better that you or I can anticipate we can do by ourselves. 

Tim Davis just put a message on Facebook as I was writing and I will end with this as it is the summary of my writing.
The Daily Difference for July 31, 2013
"Every great achievement first began with a decision to start"

Question to reflect upon
When have you pondered too many choices rather than make a firm decision? What if you made that decision now?

Now does it make sense?  Did you get the message?  Go and do and dream on.

Peace and Happiness and Laughter

Coastal Woman magazine 
Share you story with us. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sounds of I QUIT

Good evening.  I cannot believe it has been 90 days since I have last blogged.  I apologize to my readers as  I value your following.  These past 90 days have been the most days I have every lived in the desert for many years.  It was well worth it as I have learned a lot.

Today, a note from Darren Hardy came in my email.  After reading it, I wanted to share it with you.  This year, I will celebrate being an entrepreneur of over 50 years. I started baby sitting when I was 10 years old and had a great business all through high school.  So, today I want to now follow the advice of the billionaire Darren interviewed. I want to quit.

My new mantra is "I quit."  I don't quit life or living; I want to quit my business and start another one. I have worked for so many years to help others sustain themselves and succeed and become Fortune 500 companies that it is time for me to fulfill my own dream.  More on that later.

Take a look at what you are doing. Are you happy and have a passion each morning you wake up for what you do?  Are you ready for a new challenge?  Are you not managing your business?  Is your business managing you?  It is time now to take stock and decide what your passionate story is to share and tell. 

Thanks Darren for your words or wisdom.  I will be sharing excerpts of my forthcoming books with each of you and will share e books starting in September.

So stay tuned for more to come.

Live Life Out Loud and Dance,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sounds of the Faces of Peacebuilding

Peacebuilding can be a reality if we work together. It starts with each one of us. Are you are peace when you wake up? Are you at peace when something happens in the first few minutes of the day when something negative happens to you or a family member?

Be at peace during those times. That is the place to start. As the Director for the Gulf Coast region for the Peace Alliance, I am inviting each of you to become engaged during this next month. Help us ask our legislators to co-sponsor and support funding for the Youth Promise Act and the Department of Peacebuilding. 

I am a peacebuilder.  I have been a peacebuilder all my life.  Here is the story of a peacebuilder.  Enjoy.

Join the movement: Click below and learn more about the Faces of Peace.  Tell your story.
The Peace Alliance

Be at peace.


Sounds of Storytelling

Aloha!  Today is such an awesome day.  Yes, the sky is cloudy and gray. Yes, it will probably rain today.  Yes, you might be tired. Yes, someone in our lives creates drama today and is probably thinking of it right at this minute.  Yet, with all of the chaos in our lives right at this moment, be grateful that you are alive and able to take one breath, and then another.

Yesterday, I was asked to tell a story about laughing at myself.  It is something that I have used over the years to get through those times when I felt sad, or when the need to redirect my thoughts seemed important.  So, I laughed.  There are many times in my life when I can laugh and know it is ok.  The story I told was about living with dentures at an early age and being single.  For the past several years, I have worn a partial denture.  Several years ago, I was injured during a Mardi Gras parade when someone from the second tier of a float threw an entire bag of beads toward me. I am sure he did not think it would make an impact but it did. Just not the right way.  I was not asking for beads; he just threw them I guess trying to be nice. 

Needless to say, the bag came directly at my face and hit my nose and lower jaw and lips.  There was an immediate swelling of the face as I continued to walk to the convention center where the parade ended.  I was not able to talk nor eat for several days. The secondary trauma to my jaw and my teeth has caused me to require a partial denture.  The dentist says that I need a full denture within the next year, both on top and bottom.   

The second part of the story relates to a question quandary.  How does a person tell someone they want to date that they wear a partial denture?  What does one do with a first kiss?  At 61, you would think I would have the answer.  WRONG!  I am glad that this is a long-distance relationship until I figure this one out.  Or if he reads this blog.  Oh well, the info is out of the bag now.
If my readers have any ideas, let me know.   

Back to the story... that is the story I told at Toastmasters on Wednesday.  I joined the Downtown Mobile Chapter last July.  This group is one of the happiest groups I have met.  It is easy to get to know the members; they welcome everyone at the meetings.  I always look forward to Wednesday as it makes the rest of the week go by quickly.  By nature I am happy, and use the happy gene that God gave me each moment.  Several Wednesdays I have not felt so happy, but left happier as the members are caring and show it.  Their smiles are so important.  If you are ever in the downtown Mobile area at noon on Wednesday, come to the 34th Floor and stop in at the Bienville Club and join us for lunch.

I was involved in Toastmasters many years ago in college and when I moved to Columbus, Ohio.  Until I rejoined, I did not realize how much I missed it.  It makes sense that if I had stayed, I might be farther along in my speaking career and taken it more seriously over the past twenty years.  Although it was a goal in my career plan, I put it on hold and didn't pursue it. Now, I am doing so.  My ultimate goal is to travel and deliver keynotes and speeches and conduct workshops.  While I help other speakers and authors become successful and fill their schedule, I have not worked on my own schedule.  For 2014, that is what I am doing.  

Do you have a fear of speaking?  Want to learn how to become a better speaker and enhance your leadership skills?  By joining a Toastmasters Club, you gain both skills.  Toastmasters International

Now, what story to you have to tell?  I love to share stories.  As I move into writing each early morning, I will share my life stories as they are written for my new book due in the fall titled 59 Voices: It's My Turn.   Evan Porter wrote on his Nebo Blog about storytelling and I wanted to share his words with you. 

Now, share with me your story.  Write it down and start your legacy book to share about you with your children  and your family.  Do they know all about you?





Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sounds of Change and MOJO Back

To Coastal Women of the Gulf Coast region:  Yes, we are behind in publishing our launch issue of Coastal Woman digital publication.  There are many things that have occurred since our staff meeting in December, with the thoughts of getting the issue out in January.  As much as I would like to control the universe (Not!), so many opportunities for growth and healing have occurred this year to the writers and to the publisher.  Do not fear, we are working steadily to finish the advertising and branding packages this week.  It is my goal to produce a smaller version of the digital magazine for April, as we will be focusing on women in maritime.  Sometimes your dream does not take shape when you want it. 

During this time, I found myself overloaded with client projects that were not completed, deadlines that became dead, relationships that needed mending and clearing out and cleaning out old garbage.  And just feeling as if I was the only one in the world who had to manage this all on my own.  Sound familiar?  I realized that I was not alone and that I had to regroup, rethink, replan and take it one day at a time.

Now, I am taking it one day at a time.  When I wake up, I have my top three opportunities to complete.  Over the course of the past weeks, I was given other opportunities that required me to be there for a friend's passing, to be there to help my friends during this time and to intercede with the angels as requested. 

My intuitive nature became stronger.  My ability to listen and advise clients is stronger and on target.  And, sometimes it is just being a good life coach and listening. 

I made the conscious choice to give volunteer time to one nonprofit.  There are other national boards I sit on and represent that I have not focused energy on.  Now, is the time to step back and regroup.  And all of this was based on my dream of publishing a women's magazine.

Coastal Woman is needed in this Gulf Coast region, and that dream is still on the white board.  When things got in the way before, they are not in the way now.  Sometimes you have to clear the field to truly see what blessings you have been given.

We shall publish - we are just really to finally make it happen.  So, stay tuned.  In the meantime, clear out your closets, your projects, let the go or get them done now.  A colleague of mind uses the quote GSDN - Get Stuff Done Now.   That is the MOJO I have gotten back to. 

Keep positive energies coming this way.  Our 2013 editorial calendar has changed:

April - Women in Maritime
June - Women in Sports
August - Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
October - Women in Media

We are looking for women aged 40+ who have created and developed successful careers in these areas who live in the Gulf Coast region from Key West, FL  to Brownsville, TX to feature.  If you have any suggestions for women to consider, inbox CW or email us at

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Synergy of A WOW

I just got this video in my Facebook. It is with pride that The Synergy Solutions Group and The Kids Initiative share this with you.

Sounds of My Thoughts in Early Morning!

Happy New 2013!  I have not been blogging as usual and I apologize to my readers.  You honor me when I receive emails and notes from you about how my words make your feel.  So, you have inspired me to continue my writing on a daily basis.  This post will become the center for helping you to transform your life and your business into your dreams.  I am going to share with you parts of my case studies that I am developing for workshops and my book "The Oval Factor" due out in 2014.  

It is really 3:20 am on Wednesday, January 30 and I am wide awake and still up and writing.  My mind has been racing and I forgot to get that extra cup of coffee I did not need.   I started out my beauty routine before I went back to the office by using coconut oil all over my face and body.  The results will not be shown in video but I can tell you that my skin feels differently already.  So, try it if you have dry skin or want to decrease your wrinkles.  

Yesterday, I found that I had old body lotion and makeup that went to the trash can.  It was old, liquid and out of date.  Yes, your mascara can get out of date.  If you don't use these items within six months, give them a new home in file 13.  Care about your eyes and your skin.

For the past three days, my face has been swollen. Both the traditional and alternative physicians do not have a diagnosis.  There are still toxins that find me from the Gulf Coast spill and that could be one of them.  It is not the flu, nor sinus, nor flu.  Having chemical sensitivities does not help.  I am not used to being ill for a long period of time, and that has happened since November.  I have had respiratory illnesses most of December and January.  So, back to holistic healing remedies and a Clean Detox Nutritional Plan for the rest of my life.

There is much to do with client work.  I have not been as on time with client projects as I have always been.  There is no excuse.  I am revising the business model for Coastal Woman magazine this weekend.  I know it is needed on the coast, will take time, and will need investors.  I am relying on my ability to create relationships with friends and businesses who see the need for this type of publication, from Key West to Brownsville, TX and focusing on issues and women aged 40+.  It is amazing when others do not realize how much time it takes in getting the business started, but it is started and I will succeed.  

This is my legacy to Gulf Coast women.  Thank you for all your do and for your support.  

Below are jpgs of an article I wrote in 2008 on Turquoise Place in Orange Beach.  It is beautiful and a wonderful place to find your peace.  So, check it out.

In synergistic energy,
Sher  aka/Dr. Mom

The Synergy of Silence

Today there is a synergy of silence in the air around the world.  Today there is a synergy of thought and kindness that has started.  Tomorrow it may be gone.

What is it going to take for people to wake up and realize that there is a silence of non-involvement in the world?  Each time a violent incident occurs, we react as if it is a new concept in our life.  Yet, it happens every day, somewhere in the world.  And, we still live in an aura of isolation that says "It can't or shouldn't happen in my community."  But, when it does occur, we become victims of our own silence.


The Synergy of the Heart and Finding Yourself

I read something today that I wanted to share with you.  It was posted on my Facebook but I wanted to send it out to all.  This came from the blog of

You Are ‘The One’ You Have Been Looking For

Michael Eisen | February 13, 2013 | Loving

You Are ‘The One’ You Have Been Looking For

For the past couple of months, I was blessed with the experience of being in the most amazing, intimate, and heart expanding relationship I have ever been in. Every moment we spent together was more fulfilling in so many ways than I had ever experienced with anyone else in my life. We were so compatible in most of the areas of our lives, and even our differences complimented each other so gracefully. I couldn’t help but think…maybe she was “the one.”

Unfortunately, my visions and desires for what could have been between us came to an abrupt conclusion as the New Year rolled around. I found out that, although she loved me deeply, cherished our relationship, and was blown away by how I had matched almost everything on her “list,” she didn’t think I was “the one” for her.

This was very hard and painful for me to hear. But alas, every experience, whether it induces pain or pleasure, is an opportunity for me to learn and grow from, and I always make that my mantra in all areas of my life. So as I stepped out of the love bubble that I was so intensely committed to, I began to peel back the layers and examine what I was supposed to learn from this.
There are many people on this planet that believe, or at least want to believe, the idea that there is one perfect match out there for each of us. This idea is romanticized extensively in our society and in some ways brainwashes many of us into believing that one day we will find “the one” for us and will recognize them clearly when they arrive.

The more I reflected upon my latest relationship, the more I realized that somewhere deep in my heart, I wanted to believe this was true myself. It really is a nice idea if you think about it! I am a born romantic, and in this most recent relationship, I really for the first time embraced that. So it was easy for me to get caught up in this way of thinking and dreaming that she was my “one.”

But now that the relationship is over, I feel this void in my life. I invested so much energy, time, and love into this relationship thinking that it could be the life partnership I was longing for, but now that I am back on my own, I truly realize that I had been looking for my partner in the wrong place.

A good friend of mine once told me that I am “the one” for me and that anyone else will just be the icing on the cake.

Nobody out there was going to truly fulfill what I was looking and longing for.
Now, I will say that I have believed this to be true for many years, and, quite honestly, I don’t think I would have been able to attract such an amazing and truly compatible girl into my life in the first place if I had not done so much extensive work on myself first. I spent the good part of the last eight years learning to love myself more, getting clearer on who I was, and uncovering what I truly wanted. Yet, I didn’t realize that, on some level, I was still looking for “the one” to come in and complete the puzzle. Not to mention, I was unconsciously valuing the love and appreciation that I was feeling from my girlfriend more than the love and appreciation that I had for myself.

So here I am, back on my own and back to the drawing board. I realize that no matter how much I practiced self-love before, there are still parts of me and parts of my life that I can love even more. While I was in this relationship, I showed up in ways that I didn’t even know were possible. I gave so much love and support unconditionally without the expectation of getting anything back. And as a result, I gave a lot more than I received.

But now that I am out of the relationship, I realize that I truly do desire, and in some sense need, someone to show up for me the way I show up for them. But, in order for that to happen next time around, I NOW need to show up for myself and see myself in the same way!

So I have chosen to take all that time, energy, and love that I invested into my relationship the past couple of months and put it back into myself.

In order for true partnership to show up in any of our lives, we need to stop looking for “the one” out there and stop hoping that someday our other half will show up and fulfill what we are longing for. In all truth, YOU are the one for you, and YOU are the one you have been looking for.

I am now putting all my effort into embracing that the most important relationship I have in this life is with MYSELF. I’m not saying I have it all figured out and that this won’t happen again in my next relationship (hopefully it won’t). All I can do is learn the lessons, diligently apply them to my life moving forward, and have trust that I truly am ALL that I need. After all, I am the only one I have to spend the rest of my life with!

Take Action Challenge:

For the next seven days, as often as you can each day, look at yourself in the mirror, put your hands over your heart, take a big breath in and say, “I AM THE ONE I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR.”

Michael Eisen is an inspirational speaker, author, and the founder of the Youth Wellness Network, an organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering youth across the globe to live happier and more positive lives. After positively transforming his own life at the age of nineteen, he is now on a lifelong crusade to share with other young people the principles, strategies, and practices that gave him the strength to start living a more joyful and healthier life. Michael’s first book (Empowered YOUth: A Father and Son’s Journey to Conscious Living) is now available everywhere books are sold. To learn more about Michael and the Youth Wellness Network, visit, join him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter..


I hope that you enjoyed this early Valentine's Day gift from me to you. I feel the synergy all ready.
This is part of Sher's Energy to the World.

Namaste and joy,