
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Synergy In the Air

In the beginning....

I was a freshman at Kent State University in 1969. School started in August for freshman orientation so we could become accusomted to the campus and not get lost when classes started.  One night, we had a campus rep from a catalog fashion company give a presentation on making additional money by selling clothes from their catalog. So, I became a catalog rep. Honestly looking back, I did make some money, but I may have spent it on buying my own clothes!  So much for business acumen 101!

It was shortly after that I was asked to talk to Mary Kay reps who were in the area about image and image development. I wish I could remember who initiated the invitation to speak but her name is unknown to me right now. So, that started my thought process about how I could begin a speaking career, as I was majoring in speech therapy and audiology, so it made sense that I would add speaking to my pofessional vita. Anyhow, it was well attended and I taught the women how to use scarves as accessories and how to work with jewelry to find that one item that they would be remembered for.  Don't ask me how I knew, but being a very consevative dresser, I was known to wear pearls, dress and heels to class. I owned my first paid of bell-boltom jeans the spring 1970. They were white!

As a child, I was able to visualize things that would happen in the future, or rather came to happen, so however the gift of knowledge came to me, I honored it. For example, I was 12 and at a sleepover, when we got up and sang with hair brushes as if we were performing karoke. I remember saying that it would be great if someday they could put movies on disks so we could see them  - 8 tracks came first and then music videos!

Synergy somewhere has always been with me. What synergyis in yoiur life or was in your life as a child that you pushed back and didn't honor?  Let's get synergy together....

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