This one is reprinted from an email I received from 10 Million Clicks for Peace email today.
Welcome back Sher.
Love is said to be the most potent force in the Universe, yet we are not taught what it is, how it affects us, what it can do, how to use it, or how to fill every minute of your day and your entire environment with it. These topics are much more than we can provide you in a single issue, so we'll be returning to this subject many times.
Love is said to be the most potent force in the Universe, yet we are not taught what it is, how it affects us, what it can do, how to use it, or how to fill every minute of your day and your entire environment with it. These topics are much more than we can provide you in a single issue, so we'll be returning to this subject many times.
Today's Wisdom
Find something you love, and focus your
free will on building and enhancing that.
Find something you love, and focus your
free will on building and enhancing that.
The creation of 10 Million Clicks For Peace is a perfect example of what happens when you focus your free will on something you love. As you may know, this project came about because of my concern for two friends who were on opposite sides of a war zone (Lebanon-Israel). I could not reach my friends by email or by phone, and bombs were falling on one of their cities.
So at 3:30am in the morning, worried about my friends, I asked the Universe what I could do to bring peace to the world, and the immediate response was 10 Million 'Votes' For Peace. I knew it was an Internet project, but not how I could achieve it.
I was spending most of my time lying down (a result of a spine injury and 5 back surgeries). How could a guy in bed possibly make the kind of difference that needed to be made?
I focused my love for two friends on what I could do, and ultimately www.10 came into being.
My reason for telling you this story is not for any sort of self-aggrandizement. On the contrary, while I certainly worked to help the project along, over 100 people were needed to build what you see. I provided some focused love, and that inspired other people to focus their love. People stopped their lives and businesses. They donated software. They donated time. When we had to pay for services, the services were freely given and we were permitted to defer payments for many, many months without being asked when we could pay. We touched people's lives.
The power of focused love is phenomenal. It can get things done that otherwise would not be possible. And in the process, some amazing things can happen. My spine condition, for example, has improved to the point that I am now mostly vertical (conveniently giving us a great headline...Man lying down stands up for peace).
What could happen in your life if you spent your time focusing your love?
Let's take a look at 4 profound effects you can use to create greater beauty in your life through the power of love, as expressed by our esteemed authors.
I am pleased you have joined us again.
Many blessings,
Julian Kalmar, Founder
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